In 2022, Prioritize YOU

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.”

-George Eliot



Did you ever get that feeling that you were meant for something more in this crazy journey of life? Something more than the mundane routines, the everyday stressors, the feeling of never having enough time, the extra weight carried from year to year, the anxiety filled work weeks that leave you feeling disconnected and depleted?

I honestly believe that every person deserves to live their best life. And that is exactly what I’m passionate about helping you not only realize, but accomplish.

I’m Kristin. Self-proclaimed (recovering) people pleasing, perfectionist, with a love for travel, fashion, bold coffee, running, wine tasting, and all things sparkly. I describe myself as an introvert, adventurer, anxiety warrior, and champagne enthusiast . I’m a dog Mama, wife, entrepreneur, occupational therapist, and life coach.

In honor of you visiting my page, I’d like to share a little bit of my journey and my heart with you.

Thanks for coming, I’m so glad you’re here.





I’ve always desired to be in a helping profession. Unfortunately, I have often found it difficult to trust myself enough to follow my heart, rather than let the opinions of others guide my choices.

My journey began when I attended pharmacy college mainly because everyone else thought it would be a good idea (and ‘why wouldn’t they be right?’ I told my young, naive self). Rather than listen to that inner voice, I made it through 3 grueling years of knowing this path was not for me. Too afraid to face the anticipated disappointment in telling my parents I didn’t want to be a pharmacist, I decided to take the ‘graceful’ route and fail out of school (insert facepalm emoji here).

After transferring schools and receiving my undergrad in Biology, I later went on to receive a Masters in Occupational Therapy. I thought healthcare was the path to take in order to fulfill my passion for helping those in need. While I absolutely love working with my patients to create a more fulfilling and higher quality of life, this didn’t come without being overwhelmed, over-worked, and feeling frustrated as a result of working in the medical field.

I began to feel heavy and depleted, rather than passion-fueled and fulfilled…

But it wasn’t until I began experiencing crippling anxiety and the first of many panic attacks, that I realized this was a wake up call to something bigger. It was at this time that I began my self-discovery journey, which lead me to the path of life coaching.




While the journey of self-discovery is a lifelong process, once you begin, it creates a spark within and intrigues you to keep moving forward, encouraging you to shed the inauthentic layers and to discover, or rather return, to your true and most authentic self.

The shift in discovering my true potential, and of living a life I am excited about, came when I decided to stop making my decisions based on all the opinions and criticisms of others, that I had somehow picked up along the way. Instead, this meant leading with my heart and allowing my values to help guide me.

Through my continued personal development and in working with my own life coach, I realized that this is the passion-fueled work I have been searching for. Making a true connection and guiding others through the process of self-awareness, in order to help them recognize their potential and act on their dreams, is what lights me up!

I continue to learn more about myself on a daily basis, and strive to constantly alter my actions in order to align with what my best life looks like. I invite you to share in this journey and challenge you to shed that which no longer serves you…

You deserve to live your best life. And the Time is Now.